1st Interview

Went for my 1st interview in 3 weeks!.. oh... pathetic. really.
Anyway.. i was quite relax.. cos having gone for so many interviews since graduating + jobs experience, i proudly say "I'm quite confident & relax". Except for some jitters on the train when i was trying to rehearse the 'Standard Interviewer Question" (SIQ) haa.. i just come out with this.. haha.. there's the FAQ.. so, why not the SIQ!? haha...
Initially, my interview was scheduled @ 2.30pm. but, the PA called me to postphone it to 3pm. ok, no problem. since i'm going to have lunch with the TLP gals.. i can leave just in time. Reached Jurong East @ 2.20pm.. way long b4 interview.. so i thought. Following the instructions to "go to the back of Popular & look out for a big bus indicating IBP.. etc etc.." I did. but... no sight of it @ all. Of cos, i start called the PA on her direct line from 2.30 - 3pm. I also called up a guy frd who is working in IMM to verify if i'm at the right bus-stop to wait for the shuttle service, your name is LANZ. Lanz, u hang up my call, u better have a good reason for doing so. Even if u had a meeting, u could have give me a return call. U did not. U hiding from me isit???? Rascal. Man, you're never reliable @ the right moment. pls prove me otherwise. I have always myself to depend on.
So, imagine how i bombate her phone. NO PICK UP!... until 3pm, one guy pick-up... its the interviewer lor! Mr Thomas Tea. His surname is really Tea, as on his namecard but he look exactly a chinese, no signs of a mixed parentage. Also, as my Honey is also Mr Thomas whom is a resourceful small businessman, now i call. hee... i sms him what would be the SIQ.. he replied "Maybe he'll ask u out for tea..hee" BH, TMD... i'm serious Honey! :p
Anyway, back to waiting for the shuttle service into the Industrial Business Park. It so happens that there is NO service in the afternoon! Start @ irregular hr like start from 3pm hourly (that explained why i waited almost 1 hr in vain), 4pm den 5pm onwards all the way, every 5mins. That PA hor... go & arrange for interview @ 2.30pm.. wah liao.. when there's no service. How am i to walk all the way from the mrt into the IBP where i never been to to look for a building which i don know how it looks like! Siao!!!!!!
Fortunately... after all these hurdles.. i met Mr TT la... had a smooth interview... all of Honey's SIQ came out. Love u Honey! Muack! Mr TT also asked me 1 qns i've never been ask in an interview... Do you cry easily? I jus replied nonchalantly lor.. ha. Other SIQ are: "How would u react if someone is agressive towards u/shouts @ u" "what is your working style"..etc. So, that about it. i reached he's office @ 3.20pm, left @ 4pm.
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