He cant resist our sexy 'butt'
People say 'if fate is to be, it's meant to be'.
We got down & this polite uncle started apologising.
A relief that both parties are civlised people, cos we'd all heard stories of rampant road-bullies rite?!
Immediately, WE started taking picture.. all 3 of us! ha

Morale of the story: NEVER COLLIDE into other peo! You can kana hit but just DON knock others!
2nd Lesson I've got for you peeps; How to write a confession declaration!
Honey & I came up with this while at the workshop & we've got a inspection centre officer commenting that it proffessional!
JX/JO/PL - check this out! lolxxx
I, Human Species X, IC no:ImsorrylA of car plate no: ABC1234D, collided to the rear side of car plate no:ZXY0987W belonging to Mr My Honey* of IC no:OusosweeT, at the exit of PIE (Jalan Eunos) on 11 April 2009, 11:50am.
I admitted that it was my mistake and shall make compensation to car plate no:ZXY0987W for the complete repair cost & any other related cost incurred.
Mr My Honey } Signs
Mr Human Species X } Signs
Now.. here's the actual one! haha..

Honey was saying la, if he hasnt turn left & went right (which is the correct direction!) then no need to go through all these trouble la. Heng it wasnt our fault la, otherwise Honey will be VERY VERY VERY demoralised, heart-pain etc etc to have to fork out such 'yuan wang' money.
Next up, looking forward to the 3rd & last quote of our selected I.D. Expecting this one to be quite ex as I deem his designs to be unqiue in his style rather than mainstream style. Moreover, he was very honest to admit that our budget are quite low to work at but nevertheless he will try to work out something. On his website he clearly state "Although we are continually contracted to work on high-ends, we do not discern against more modest clientele and continually take on small to midsize projects."
Let's see. Good nite.
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