
Humans have no lack of worries even in dreams. In dreams, it reflect our lifes. Our mind have no rest. Often we're troubled because we do not 'see' things (not as in practically!). We're focus on the black dot rather than the whole white space surrounding it... Freezincbrain simply could have mean our brain are 'freezed' or clogged & needed some wisdom to free ourself from the usual worries, in hope to look at the same situation in a different perspectives.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Hello so long..

V random shots of me.. hahahaha...

Quite like this shot.. heh

DO I look like a pretty babe or wat?

Hehe.... any resemblance of modelling ads?! LOL

Do u find me seducing??

Honey said v 'heart-pumping' wor.. hehe.. =p

Then hor, spend so much time sticking e fake lashes still not obvious enuf leh.. but too drama also kill it..

Btw, am starting to take Celergen from tmr onwards! Be ready to witness more youthfulness transformation and slimming effect (I really hope so)!
