Heyo Nicole! I'm in HK! haa... Nicole, I'm beloved colleague of 2 yrs in ML, just that we've never met before... in case if you peo reading still hasn't getit, she works in HK la! ha...
Well, this trip was a result of my gen-peng-ness (greedy in hokkien) of the Tiger Airway promotion over their IPO launch.. & partly for my parents la.. cos mom was asking for a holiday to Hainan island but I couldn't go during the CNY period. So, here I am! Dying for holiday too from the mundane work...:x
Credits again to Honey for planning the whole trip! Kudos!
Here we are on the Xpress train from airport. We sat the wrong direction and had to endure the train 'reversing' the whole 20+ mins journey.... @_@

Reached the hotel at 12:30pm which is still early for check-in so we asked the reception for direction to yam cha! This Federal restaurant is just around corner of the Evergreen Hotel.
We had no real idea what we're ordering cos the Chinese are phrased differently as the mainland Chinese. Its in Cantonese way. Anyway, we roughly recognized a few familiar wordings & ordered it.. Here you see this cracker-like dish is coated with syrup.. err.. TOO sweet, I cant stand it! haahahaa.. I think I might have ordered it.. which I dono either cos Thomas ordered most! Initially he wrote down 2 serving per dish! Qi sin ar !
Our very small... room..

Causeway Bay - Lane Crawford
Expensive area la... full of branded boutiques on the streets...

SOGO We joined the queue to go up Level 9 for the mega promotion! Its crazy... ppl shopped like there's no tomorrow.. listen up, its entire building L9-B1, 40-70% sale! buy-buy-buy!

Hopewell Center - R66
A splendid way to spend your 1st night of your holiday.. revolving restaurant that overlook HK.
However, I does not think its the best restaurant around despite the posh settings & crowd. If I compare apple to apple, I grade it vs our own Meritus Mandarin @ Orchard. Food variety MM wins; quality MM wins; height R66 wins (L62!); price MM wins; poshness... equal, I guess.
OK, you know where to eat now.

I don think when I ate at MM, they have this kinda mini lobster but I recall seeing email that said this kinda creature lives in sewage?? Hence, their meat are full of bacteria????
I really cannot recall if MM serve this! Crab stick!
Honey bugged me to take this photo.. he was so excited..

Temple Street
Last stop for the 1st nite, just opposite our hotel. Thomas wants to look like 林达浪!
So,cute not?
Labels: my life