Humans have no lack of worries even in dreams. In dreams, it reflect our lifes. Our mind have no rest. Often we're troubled because we do not 'see' things (not as in practically!). We're focus on the black dot rather than the whole white space surrounding it... Freezincbrain simply could have mean our brain are 'freezed' or clogged & needed some wisdom to free ourself from the usual worries, in hope to look at the same situation in a different perspectives.
Sat - Friends Wedding
This is Crystal's Big Day! 20th Oct 2007Me & Jenny were the 'jie mei' ( i prefer this being called 'ah yi', sounds so old). So, we had to be there early in the morning. Working our time back - since the groom had to arrive at 8am.. we decide to reach @ 7am, so me had to meet Jenny ard 6.30 which means me had to wake up 5.30am !! Considering some traditions demands the groom arrive 5-6am at the bride's house.. i think i have no complains. So, me & Jenny got there & only then we realised we were the ONLY jie mei ! HOLY SHIT... we don even know the groom, how are we gonna 'negotiate' at the door! shit shit shit.. me & jenny were quite green horn leh + don even know the groom how do we dare to play. Later on, Crystal told us Rosster had to stay 'away' from the groom sight until he enter the house. Well, i dono wats all the traditions about & how/who came up with this.. but since its a joyous occasion jus be pang tang & follow lor ! + that means we no need to be @ the 'negotiating-door'. heheheWell, the whole morning was quite quiet till the 'brother-cars' arrived in fanfair! ***ponk ponk ponk ponk........!!!*** - marks the awaited wedding..Labels: buddies
Bday @ Brewerkz
My first time dining @ BrewerkzHad the Shepherd's Pie - Beef stew topped with cheezy meshed potatoes - not bad but i had to say the stew tasted kinda like canned tuna fish. heee.. JX had the potabello mushroom which i recommended cos the last time i had potabello @ Quality Hotel it was really nice but the grilled ones here tasted really weird. It was moist & taste of beef+herb - really don know how to describe! JO had fish & chips - cant fail with this choice. Pam had the Spicy beef curry.. hee. Its came with a loaf of egg-fried bread throw on top of the curry so Pam (or rather ME) had to take out the loaf of bread for her onto another plate.. hee. of cos i had to 'sample' it.. hahaha.. it jus occur to me as a roti-john .. hahah.. of cos Pam had to stare at me saying 'Roti-john doesnt taste like this'. hee.. of cos.. tats when i realise its actually a cake ! hahaha... somethings like a butter cake pan-fried with egg. hahaha.... but it taste nice. kekeke.jpg)
As u can see, my Shepherd's pie went over to JX cos i cant bare to make her eat the 'moist-duno-taste-like-wat' potabello mushroom. In the end, she also dint finish it. TMD, waste my food, i finished her's lor !
I duno wats with the faces.. heee
Labels: buddies, my life