
Humans have no lack of worries even in dreams. In dreams, it reflect our lifes. Our mind have no rest. Often we're troubled because we do not 'see' things (not as in practically!). We're focus on the black dot rather than the whole white space surrounding it... Freezincbrain simply could have mean our brain are 'freezed' or clogged & needed some wisdom to free ourself from the usual worries, in hope to look at the same situation in a different perspectives.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

We are NOT desperate housewife!!

It all begins with that article from ST March 13, 2005 "What happened at Sentosa gay parties" & in fact i paid not much attention to it & well forgotten what was written. I was outraged & offended by what another guy said who was outraged & offended by what appeared on the acticle. And whatever was written later by this WL really boiled the blood in me like he felt too towards the article.

"family life educator Koh Su Yin said: ‘By having the parties, we are sending the message to young people that such a lifestyle is okay. It also desensitises and normalises a behaviour which would be construed intuitively as unnatural.
‘We would not want young people to be attracted to the gay lifestyle as it undermines the basic family value of committed love, the importance of marriage and the stability of a family that constitutes mother- and father-love.’

Ms Linda Kwek, 32, an advertising executive and mother of two toddlers, said: ‘Homosexuals, like anyone else, have a right to whatever lifestyle they fancy. But if this right becomes a potential threat to family values, then I would rather live in a country that is labelled strait-laced than one plagued by Aids and heartbreaks.
‘We don’t need such parties on our doorstep. Call me selfish, but they can happen elsewhere.’

A mere few statements by 2 ladies sparked him to undermine women & cast as objects of ownership.

"In the Judeo-Christian historical worldview, tradition dictates that a woman is chattel, belonging either to her father, or her father’s estate, or to her husband, upon marriage....As with all property, a woman is to be dealt with as seen fit by her owner." ~ Wannabe Lawyer

Women as who we are were labelled way centuries ago till now. Women are deem inferior, disadvantage, less intelligence, incapable to men. Only because the latter proved stronger in physique? "Scientific studies from unnamed biologists have amply demonstrated that women do not possess faculties of reasoning and intelligence that are solely the domain of men. ~ WL" Ya right! Unnamed biologists. Even if it is proven in some aspect men are superior in one way, women would definately be in another. "It is unseemly and unnatural that women should so openly put forth their opinions on matters which are far beyond their ability to comprehend. ~ WL" Men just cannot accept it when women put forth their opinion. It would feel like nagging, lecture, attack, embarrassing... they would think "shut your ears gentleman! The woman's gonna rant!" Please man, walk out of this.Women in the past (years or centuries ago) does not have the chance to show diligence & intelligence because they were not given a opportunity to. They were deprived of such. Conditioned to believe.

Rules & laws made centuries ago have changed & still are changing. We have proven now & again our ability to outdone men in many aspects, even in sports (go find the evidence yourself). But if you wanna say "go compete with men on the running tracks" then why don men compete with women in the endurance of pain?

Orite orite, this talk may or may not lead to somewhere but what i wanna say is:
If WL is so outrage by what 2 women said on the issue of homosexuality, so are women to what he said of femininity. Apparently it is not about failling to appreciate the kinda sarcasm in WL way of playing on it but the used of women as tool to poking fun over the issue while reacting in defense? Then it's better not said.

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